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Our Heritage

The Miami Dade Military Museum and Memorial is dedicated to saving and interpreting the rich military heritage of South Florida. We honor military service, sacrifice, and accomplishment, and its importance to our community, Florida and the nation. We present the history of WWII in south Florida, including the heroic clandestine military activities of the Cuban Exile anti-Castro freedom fighters during the Cold War. We examine Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan, with our focus on Florida and especially Miami-Dade County. The building was the headquarters and is the last remaining structure of Naval Air Station Richmond. During the Cold War it was CIA Station JM-WAVE, headquarters for anti-Castro activities. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and it is on the grounds of Zoo Miami, immediately next to the Gold Coast Railroad Museum.


Our Building


Click Here to get an in-depth view of the restoration of the museum building.​



Our Community


The Museum is of national significance and a servant of America’s military heritage. We focus on the community and visitors to Miami-Dade County and the state of Florida. We host nationally recognized youth groups such as the Scouts and Sea Cadets. Veterans receive one-on-one counseling from qualified Vet Counselors within the Museum. Interns from Florida International University receive instruction and experience in collections management and historic preservation. Educational programming for students from kindergarten to college is available. We have forged new partnerships with schools, recognizing that the kind of learning we offer is in line with the curriculum’s focus on critical thinking, contextual thinking, and better citizenship. Lectures, patriotic events, and traveling and special exhibits round out the activities offered by the Museum.

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© 2023 Miami Military Museum and Memorial


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